Real-time logistical analysis
Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)
Best-in-class safety
Slab Management
Management, optimization, and storage assignment of cold charge steel slabs.
Scarfing & Grinding
Inspecting slabs, booms, and billets for surface defects, removing any flaws by hand or machine scarfing and grinding.
Marking & Tracking
Identifying and tracking finished and semi-finished products across your site efficiently and consistently.
Packaging & Logistics
Comprising wrapping, bundling and labeling for dispatch and delivery.
Raw Material Handling
Managing raw materials including iron ore, coal, coke and fluxes, ensuring the smooth running of your site.
Conveyor Belt Maintenance
Maintenance services across all on-site conveyors by our highly experienced and flexible teams.
Loading & Unloading
Loading and unloading bulk materials and finishes.
Cutting & Slitting
Slitting or cutting slabs, blooms and billets to the correct dimensions for rolling.
Steel Product Logistics
Improving operational productivity through efficient and automated logistics.
Making a world of difference™
Carlton House, Regent Park
299 Kingston Road
Surrey KT22 7SG
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 (0) 1372 381400